Why the BATF is Contacting P80 Dealers (an educated guess)
In an article on Ammoland that was published two days ago, the author discussed three instances of the BATF showing up and knocking on doors of people who had purchased “large quantities of Polymer80 frames and kits.” I find absolutely no fault in any of the reporting in that article, but I think I might be able to offer some insight.
What the BATF Did
Before we get into the why, a quick recap of what happened is necessary for those who have not read the article. The article makes it sound like all three of these incidents occurred near the Baltimore area, but does not specify where the 2nd and 3rd incidents occurred. What we know is that BATF agents showed up at three different homes of dealers who sell Polymer80 frame kits. One of the dealers allowed them into the home to search, while the other two told them to pound sand unless they had a warrant. The BATF agents reportedly threatened to get those warrants in all three incidents, but at the time that article had been published, had not yet returned with said warrants.
As a law abiding gun owner, and as a retired cop, one who does not particularly have a great deal of trust in the BATF to do the right thing, if they showed up at my door without a warrant, you can bet your butt I would not be letting them in either.
(Pro tip: If the BATF had enough probable cause to get a warrant, they would have not showed up at the homes without said warrant. Don’t fall for that BS line.)
Why the BATF Did It
So let’s talk about what I highly suspect is the “why” they are showing up at the doors of Polymer80 dealers. I know nothing about the three dealers in question, and I am not remotely disparaging them. What I say here is not remotely directed at them. It is a general statement about what is happening in many parts of the country. I know for a fact it is occurring in jurisdictions across California, especially larger cities with substantial gang problems, so I suspect other states, like Maryland, are experiencing the same issue.
Polymer80 based guns in particular, and 80% guns in general, have seen a huge surge in use in gang shootings, homicides, robberies and crime in general. That is one of the reasons you hear anti-gun politicians spouting on and on about “ghost guns” and why they keep trying to pass laws outlawing 80% firearm frames.
However, those criminals being caught with the guns, for the most part, have neither the skills nor the tools to build the guns they are being caught with. Which causes an investigator to stop and ponder:
“If JoJo McDipshit here can’t even figure out how to field strip his gun, he clearly did not build it. Therefore, JoJo bought it from someone. That someone is illegally completing 80% receivers, assembling guns and selling them illegally, without the proper licenses, and while bypassing the mandatory background checks.”
Coming to that conclusion is not remotely rocket science.
So, as a BATF agent, where does one start to try to track down an illegal firearms manufacturer? Why with people who have purchased a large quantity of 80% receivers of course. Again, not rocket science.
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In the case of the three persons discussed in the Ammoland article, it sounds as if they are gunshow dealers of Polymer80 kits. Seeing as a Polymer80 kit is not a firearm, these dealers would not need to have an FFL. If and when the BATF does ever show up to their homes again with a warrant, and they are legitimately dealers selling only the kits, they should easily be able to prove that.
What is in the best interest of all legal gun owners, especially those of us who like to build 80% firearms and do not want to see them outlawed, is for the unscrupulous crap weasels that are illegally manufacturing these guns and selling them to sh!tbag gang bangers to get caught and prosecuted.
We here at 2A Cops absolutely support the second amendment. What we do not support is dirt bags committing crimes, such as illegally producing and selling guns, that put the rights of ALL law abiding gun owners at risk. In that respect, I honestly wish the BATF luck in catching the criminals illegally manufacturing those guns and selling them.
If you happen to be one of those scumbags making and selling those guns, knock that crap off! Don’t screw this up for the rest of us!