VA Wants to Fire and Blackball Cops that Refuse to Enforce Unconstitutional Gun Laws
It was bad enough that a Virginia legislator wanted to call in the military to enforce unconstitutional gun laws, but now they want to fire cops that won't comply. Virginia Democrats have filed proposed bills to make ownership of almost any modern rifle and handgun illegal, make protesting while you are armed a felony and making tactical training a felony.
Cops Won't Go Along With Enforcing Unconstitutional Gun Laws
The problem with the Virginia Democrats plan is that the cops are not going along with the program. Over 70 separate jurisdictions have established gun sanctuaries with the chief law enforcers publicly stating they will not enforce any current proposed gun laws. The VGOF tweeted out a great map showing the breadth of the refusal to enforce unconstitutional gun laws.
Animated map of Virginia Second Amendment Sanctuary counties from 22 November to 12 December
— VGOF (@VaGunForum) December 13, 2019
Dems New Plan: Fire Cops Supporting the Constitution
So what do you do when the cops won't comply with your unconstitutional plan? You fire them automatically. Virginia Democrats introduced House Bill No. 67 on December 5. This bill amends the Code of Virginia when it comes to "Strikes" by certain government employees. This passage comes straight from the bill:
B. Any public safety employee who, in concert with two or more other such employees, for the purpose of obstructing, impeding or suspending any activity or operation of his employing agency or any other governmental agency, strikes or willfully refuses to perform the duties of his employment shall, by such action, be deemed to have terminated his employment and shall thereafter be ineligible for employment in any position or capacity during the next 12 months by the Commonwealth, or any county, city, town or other political subdivision of the Commonwealth, or by any department or agency of any of them.
So, if you don't enforce these unconstitutional gun laws, then you will be fired and ineligible to work as a police officer for one year in Virginia. The democrats realized that their plan to call in the National Guard would be disastrous, so now they will just fire anyone not willing to enforce their plan.
Stop Letting the Politicians Divide Us
A number of groups that identify themselves as conservative have been accusing law enforcement of being "red coats" or traitors. In fact, a number of law enforcement social media sites have been overrun by people threatening to kill us when the "big boogaloo hits." However, the proof is in the pudding. Repeatedly, we have seen police officers refuse to enforce these unconstitutional laws. We suggest directing your anger at where it belongs: Democrat and socialist politicians that are trying to disarm you and take away your rights. Your fight is not with the police, but these people. The police are doing exactly what we want them to do: Upholding their oath of office. It's time to stop hammering them and show support for what they are doing. We encourage Virginia gun owners to recognize what their officers are doing and support them in any way possible.