Those Claiming "Common Sense" Demonstrate None
Shannon Watts of Moms Demand Action is a train wreck of illogical remarks and misrepresented half-truths. She is the woman who constantly calls for “common sense gun laws” while routinely demonstrating that she has absolutely zero common sense of her own. Her Twitter account has been very active since the church shooting in White Settlement, TX (never let a good crisis go to waste, you know). Much of what she has said demonstrates her complete disconnect from what most people would call “common sense.”
(Disclaimer: Nothing about this piece is remotely intended to be a knock against Jack Wilson. The man is a HUGE hero and deserves nothing but accolades. That said, gun control proponents are misrepresenting many things about the incident and that cannot be allowed to stand uncontested.)
For instance, in this Tweet, she berates the Attorney General of Texas for making sure guns are allowed in churches in Texas.
Here are just a few of the problems with that soup sandwich of a public comment:
Last I checked, the Attorney General does not write bills, vote on them, or sign them into law. No matter how much the AG may support or disagree with a proposed law, they have no role in making laws.
Everywhere in the entire United States, it is illegal for a convicted felon to possess a firearm, so no matter what other laws could have existed, on a state or federal level, the suspect having a gun was NOT allowed by Texas law, even the law that allows people to have a gun in church.
The law that Watts is referring to in her ill conceived comment is the law that specifically allowed the private citizens in that church to have their guns, which is the only reason why the incident only lasted a couple seconds and only two innocent people’s lives were lost.
Apparently in Watts’ mind, it would have been much better for the people who were obeying the law to be unarmed and at the mercy of the guy who was already breaking the law?
Then, there is the prevalent theme in a great number of her Tweets in which she tries to downplay the fact that a common, law abiding citizen is responsible for saving lives that day. In her worldview, only the cops should have guns, so she keeps stating that Jack Wilson is a “highly trained for LEO.” She says this over and over, because if you say something enough, it will eventually be seen as fact.
The fact of the matter is that Jack Wilson is indeed a highly trained shooter, but he is a private citizen, and none of that training has anything to do with the fact that he was a reserve deputy, for a total of six years, when Ronald Reagan was president.
Seriously, it has been 34 years since Mr. Wilson was a reserve deputy. He was a reserve deputy in Hood County, TX from 1980-86.
Maybe Watts is not aware of how much, or more appropriately, how little training reserve deputies received in Texas 40 years ago, when Mr. Wilson became a reserve deputy, but it does not remotely come close to qualifying as “highly trained.” Additionally, no matter how highly trained he might have been when he was a reserve deputy, no level of training sticks around for 40 years without requiring refresher training.
While she was on that roll claiming Mr. Wilson’s success was due to his experience as a cop, she decided to try and use the profession of law enforcement as a prop in her ongoing campaign to disarm the American population. She pointed to the number of cops killed by firearms in 2019 as if that is evidence that cops support her calls for more gun control. The problem with that assertion is that it is completely fictional, as we demonstrated in a recent poll we published.
Finally, she took the cake when she accused James A. Gagliano, a CNN Law Enforcement Analyst and former FBI agent, of being “an NRA shill” and complaining that he blocked her.
The hypocrisy of a person on Mike Bloomberg’s anti-gun payroll, the same woman who blocked me after a single comment (my personal Twitter account) in which I stated that I was an active duty (at the time) cop who challenged her to debate the merits of gun control, calling other people shills and complaining about being blocked is blindingly glaring. Sadly, her supporters do not care that she is a blatant hypocrite. Apparently, they are as lacking in “common sense” as is Watts.