Push To Regulate "Terror Trucks" - Not Kidding
I find it harder and harder to take these people seriously. "Terror trucks?" Seriously? They continue to come up with the same idiotic idea, over and over, ad nauseam. Evil person does evil thing, ban the tool. Another evil person does another evil thing, ban that tool. Yet another evil act by another evil person, ban that tool too.
I hate to say it, but we crazy gun rights people called it. After some evil terrorist went crazy with a rental truck in Manhattan a few years ago, we predicted that liberals would try to ban “assault trucks.” Most of us were half joking, and we were certainly joking about the term “assault truck,” but sure enough, here we are a short two years later and a U.S. Representative from New Jersey, Democrat Josh Gottheimer is pushing a bill on the federal level to “prevent killers from renting ‘terror trucks’.”
“Terrorists shouldn’t be able to rent terror trucks,” he said. “We commit ourselves to take these next steps.”
Seriously, you just cannot make this stuff up.
According to NJ.com, “The Department of Homeland Security and the Transportation Security Administration would be tasked with creating the system and sharing the information with rental companies, Gottheimer said.”
The incident that Gottheimer is pointing to took place in lower Manhattan in 2017. A terrorist rented a pickup truck from a Home Depot and used it to run over a bunch of pedestrians and bicyclists. It was nothing more than a pickup truck.
So what are they going to do next? Start requiring background checks for people buying used trucks off Craigslist?
A “terror vehicle” registration list?
All sales of used “terror trucks” will now have to be processed through licensed federal “terror truck” dealers?
Laws preventing owners of trucks from loaning them to other people?
What about someone who buys a large car and “converts” it into a “terror truck” by adding a cargo rack and roof carrier box? Will that be a felony just like someone in California who bolts on the wrong attachment to a semi-auto rifle and accidentally creates an unlicensed “assault rifle?”
Yes, that all sounds completely idiotic, but that is exactly what has happened with guns, and they haven’t stopped yet. Their next target appears to be trucks. What will follow the trucks? Big cars? Medium sized cars? Full semi-auto assault mini-vans?
At what point are the people who support gun control now going to wake up? My guess is they might finally wake up when the government finally decides to ban something they like, but it will be way too late at that point.
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