Lage Manufacturing Folding Stock
I've had a Faxon Firearms ARAK-21 for a long time. In fact, I was one of the first people to do a review on it, and mine is the first gen version. The following information might also be useful for anyone with an AR compatible upper that does not use the AR buffer system, such as the Brownells BRN-180. If you have never heard of Lage Manufacturing, keep reading.
The ARAK-21 upper fits on an AR lower, but does not use the AR buffer system. It is a long stroke gas piston upper with a forward charging handle. It has easily interchangeable barrels allowing for quick caliber changes. I have both a 5.56 barrel and a .300 BLK barrel for mine.
Roots in Commiefornia
When I bought the ARAK-21, I was a resident of the People's Republik of Commieforniastan, where it is illegal to have a new production rifle with a folding stock, because that makes the gun extra more scarier and ultra mega deadlierest…
Because of the idiotic laws in California, for most of the life of this gun it has just had an empty standard AR buffer tube and a fixed length Magpul stock on it. However, now that I live in Free America, I decided to put a folder on it, and as I don't need the buffer, there was no need to use a folding buffer tube hinge setup.
I bought a KNS Precision 1913 adapter for the AR and was planning on buying a Sig MCX or MPX stock for it. However, those stocks, every single version of them, are on indefinite backorder. So back to the drawing board I went.
In my interweb search for a folding stock, I stumbled upon a company I had never heard of, Lage Manufacturing. From what I could see on the website, it looked like a good solution, but I was hesitant having never heard of them. I took a chance, bit the bullet and ordered their left hand folding stock for the Sig MPX.
Lage Manufacturing Stock
It arrived in a few days and when I pulled it out of the box, my initial impressions were excellent. The product is very solid and the machining extremely precise. I set about installing it only to find that the adapter for the MPX is not compatible with a standard AR lower with a 1913 stock adapter. It is machined to blend in with the Sig MPX receiver.
Discovering my error, I went to their website and found that the MCX/1913 adapter would fit my needs, and they sell that adapter separately. I ordered it and sent the company an email explaining my error. They very politely offered me a full refund on the MPX adapter, so long as it was undamaged. Their customer service was excellent.
A short time later, I received the MCX adapter, bolted it all together and installed it on my James Madison Tactical / Faxon ARAK-21 and it was perfect. Fit and finish are excellent. The build quality on the stock, the hinge and the adapter are impeccable. I am extremely happy with this purchase.
If you are in the market for a folding stock for a Sig MPX, MCX, or anything else that uses a 1913 mount for the stock, you should consider the Lage Manufacturing folder.