Idahoans Rally to Spur Pro 2A Legislation
The Idaho Second Amendment Alliance (ISAA) organized an emergency rally at the Idaho Capitol Building today to spur legislators into enacting pro 2A legislation. The ISAA wanted to spur legislators into enacting more pro 2A legislation like "constitutional carry" for all citizens, not just Idaho residents, and preemption gun laws.
Constitutional Carry for All
Just before the rally was to take place, State Representative Christy Zito (R) proposed a house bill that would allow constitutional carry for all people, not just Idaho residents. Currently, Idaho has constitutional carry for its residents, but not for those visiting Idaho from outside of the state.
Representative Zito is an ardent supporter of the second amendment and works with ISAA to protect Idaho's second amendment freedoms. Zito not only addressed the crowd on the front steps of the Capitol Building, but she mingled with supporters and posed for pictures.
Numerous Police Officers Protest
A number of retired and current police officers attended the rally to support second amendment rights. Just like the military, police officers have restrictions on their first amendment rights. You may see a chief, like Houston's Chief Acevedo, publicly comment for a restriction of our second amendment rights, however these people do not represent the officers on the street.

Although a chief may politicize their position, police officers are not allowed to publicly address their beliefs. Many retired officers showed up at the capitol building to speak for the officers that can't speak publicly.
Bloomberg Opens an Office in Boise
Michael Bloomberg, the biggest gun grabber that we have seen in a while, just opened an office in Boise and is actively placing ads on the radio and TV in Idaho. Greg Pruett from ISAA addressed the crowd and warned that Idahoans must be wary of recent events in states like Virginia.
Pro 2A Supporters Filled the Halls to Capacity

After a short rally in the rotunda, pro 2A supporters convened in the capitol halls where a number of representatives and senators mingled with supporters. Coming from California, it was refreshing to see the hall filled with people exercising their second amendment rights while no one batted an eye. I wondered, sitting around so many patriots, what freedoms could have been saved if Californians had done the same over the last few decades.
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