Epic Fail - Gun Control Lawmaker Tries to Describe Guns
On the off chance you were under the delusion that politicians who write gun control legislation had a clue what they were talking about, Virginia Delegate Mark Levine spoke up to prove otherwise. Listening to this man attempt to explain the difference between a hunting rifle and an “assault weapon” shows his ignorance of basic firearms knowledge.
This extremely botched lesson in firearms basics was given by Levine at a town hall, which Levine co-hosted at a school in Mount Vernon, VA on Saturday, January 25th, only five days after a very large gun rights rally happened at the Virginia State Capital. The ridiculous explanations he provided were part of his reply to a question that was provided by a member of the public in attendance, but was read off by a moderator.
The question asked was:
Please define ‘assault weapon.’
What happens in response would be entertaining, if it was not so infuriating. It is infuriating because Levine demonstrates for all that he knows nothing about firearms, or the intent of the second amendment, yet he is trying to legislate what firearms you and I can possess, and for what purpose.
Levine's Run-on Gun Failure
He attempts, very poorly I might add, to demonstrate how one holds a “hunting rifle” and says they can be fired very precisely. He also makes some weird attempt to suggest that by shouldering a rifle in the weird manner that he is attempting to demonstrate, that a person could come up next to the shooter and smash them in the head with the butt of the gun.
Further adding to the bizarre display, he remarks that a deer or elk wouldn’t do that. This once again indicates that he is under the incorrect impression that the second amendment is about hunting.
He follows that nonsense by attempting to demonstrate what he thinks a mass shooter does with a rifle, doing his best impression of Arnold Schwarzenegger in one of his many action movies from the 1980’s, which many anti-gun politicians seem to think have some basis in reality. In fact, the only people who ever hold a gun at their hips and sweep the target area back and forth like that are politicians who are trying to take our guns, and unskilled noobs playing first person shooter games.
Levine then takes the lunacy one step further, claiming mass shooters use gun with “pistol grips and things like that, and guns that go like this (sweeping the crowd with his imaginary gun) are wildly inaccurate. That’s why hunters don’t like them.”
Who Writes Gun Laws?
There really is no other way to put this - Levine is an idiot, at least when it comes to firearms. He demonstrates that he knows less about guns and shooting than any of my kids did at the age of 8.
Yet he and so many others just like him are writing, promoting and voting on legislation to regulate something he knows absolutely nothing about. This is lunacy.
We would never dream of having people who routinely demonstrate a complete lack of medical knowledge legislate what doctors should be doing, and what tools the doctors can or cannot use.
We would never allow people who know nothing about flying aircraft or how aircraft work run the FAA.
Why on earth do we let people like Levine, people who know nothing about firearms, shooting, self-defense or even the reason the second amendment was written make laws that have anything to do with firearms?