Covid, Lockdowns & Gun Control
Recently, after news of the LA Sheriff’s Office new year's eve enforcement of Covid restrictions hit the public, there has been much talk amongst cops in many groups I belong to. The overwhelming majority of the voices in those groups share the same opinion as I do, that enforcing these mandates is BS!
The most common argument I have seen defending the actions of the cops enforcing these tyrannical mandates comes down to essentially the same argument that gun grabbers use: we are trying to save lives.
The people offering that excuse point to the loss of family members and friends from the virus as some sort of justification for their actions. That is the same move that gun grabbers use. They throw people who have lost loved ones to some maniac with a gun in front of the cameras and have them pour their heart out in an attempt to tug at your heartstrings.
Logic or Emotions?
Just as no laws should be based on emotions, no mandates should be enforced because of emotions. Especially not mandates that are not only destroying our entire economy, but mandates that are actually destroying lives, lives they claim they are trying to save.
Yes, I realize lots of people are dying. Lots of people die every day. That does not mean I do not care about their loss, or about the heartache of those left behind. Again, just like with victims of criminals with guns, I can both sympathize with the victim while at the same time, defend our rights.
Yes, I also understand that there is some case law showing that some of these mandates appear to be constitutional. Yes, I realize that, for instance, CA state law actually gives the government the ability to declare a medical emergency and impose certain restrictions. But where is the justification?
The death rate for Covid in the United States is, depending on your source, between 0.4-1.7%. Meaning, at the worst, it has a 98.3% survival rate.
When Does Covid End?
Covid, unlike most other viruses, does not care about the weather. Unlike the flu, Covid does not disappear in the summer. Thus far, nothing seems to kill it off. Meaning it is going to be here for a very long time.
But the vaccine, we can kill it with the vaccine…
There is a lot of contention about the vaccine, from concerns about immediate adverse reactions to concerns of long-term side effects. And like all other vaccines, it is not foolproof. To top it all off, as soon as the vaccine started being implemented, BAM! A new strain of the virus was discovered. I am not suggesting the vaccine caused the new strain, but like all other viruses, it mutates. There will always be another strain, and always the need for another newer vaccine.
This is not like some plagues and diseases that have ravaged civilization in the past. Covid is not killing off huge percentages of the population. Just like “gun violence,” it is scary, unpredictable and it destroys some people’s lives, but in reality, it kills relatively few people.
Covid restrictions have been going on in the US for a year now, and there is no end in sight. Personally, I’m done with it. I get how frustrated people are, especially business owners whose lives are being destroyed.
Conquer Your Fears of Covid
I am a paranoid hypochondriac germaphobe. I was not always like that, something in my brain tripped about 8 years ago. When this virus first surfaced, it had me freaked the hell out. But at some point, I decided I cannot stay cooped up and live my life in fear. I decided I preferred dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.
This does not mean I am intentionally engaging in risky behavior. I don't wander into high crime ghetto neighborhoods throwing cash around in an attempt to get robbed, so why would I do something that stupidly puts me at high risk for getting Covid. That said, just because I choose not to do that does not mean either of those actions should be illegal.
Just like with gun laws, when it comes to Covid I am not okay giving up my rights to hypocritical tyrants under the guise of “its for your own good.” I sure as hell am not okay with American cops enforcing that crap.