Black Rifle Coffee Company and Cancel Culture
Black Rifle Coffee Company came under fire from both the left and the right, for some really silly reasons.
Yesterday I was at my new part-time retirement gig selling guns to free Americans in Free America, when someone asked me If I had heard about “that whole Black Rifle Coffee Company thing?”
I asked what was up and they told me that the left had accused Black Rifle Coffee Company (BRCC) of “sponsoring” Kyle Rittenhouse because Kyle was wearing a BRCC shirt when he was released from custody.
Okay, that is completely idiotic. I personally own about 6 BRCC shirts, and I drink a lot of their coffee, but that does not remotely mean they sponsor me. Hell, in two of my older Deputy Matt videos from four years ago, I can be seen wearing a “Coffee or Die” BRCC shirt.
Seriously, this level of stupidity reminds me of the movie Idiocracy. If you’ve seen it, then you remember that everyone is wearing clothing with corporate logos on it, and mentioning companies after making statements, because “it is a good way to make money.”
After being attacked by the cancel culture left for hours, Evan Hafer, the CEO of BRCC, finally decided to defend his company from the idiotic, baseless attacks. He merely stated “We did not sponsor nor do we have a relationship with the 17-year-old facing charges in Kenosha, WI.”
Seems like a fairly straight forward statement.
Sadly, some people from the opposite end of the political spectrum took that statement as BRCC folding on their support of conservative ideals or gun rights. How they got to that conclusion is beyond be, but they went there. And suddenly BRCC found themselves smack dab in the middle of a two-sided assault from two completely different, politically opposed groups.
If you ask me, the gun rights folks who are pissed at BRCC for releasing the comment clarifying they have no monetary relationship with Kyle are acting just as stupidly as the leftists who are accusing them of sponsoring Kyle.
Now some folks from the pro-2A crowd are making up all sorts of allegations against BRCC. This is idiotic.
I get it, we are all on edge over the results of the election (or stolen election). We are worried about the promised future attacks on our right. We are stressed and worried, and some people are plain freaking out.
But why on earth are we eating our own?
Dana Loesch had Evan Hafer on her show yesterday, and the discussion they had is well worth listening to, no matter what your take is on the whole BRCC/Kyle situation.
And lest those same 2A folks start accusing me of not standing by the right to self-defense or supporting the Second Amendment, I will state again that my legal opinion, based on my career as a cop, has not changed one ounce since I wrote a very long post on Facebook explaining why I feel that both of the engagements, including the three different individuals, that Kyle was involved in were 100% legally justified. Once my post outlining exactly why I feel that way, from a legal examination standpoint, had reached 60k people, Facebook deleted it. I reposted it and again and weeks later, after reaching nearly 100k more people, Facebook deleted it again, but the second time they never even notified me that they removed it.
So, let me state my take on several things very clearly:
Kyle Rittenhouse was 100% legally justified for shooting all 3 of the individuals he shot
I still stand by the offer I sent Kyle’s attorneys to testify as a legal expert in his defense free of charge
The only laws I see that he possibly violated involve his possession of the gun, which I cannot comment specifically on because I do not know enough about the local gun laws
The people who attacked BRCC for “sponsoring” Kyle are a bunch of cancel culture snowflake idiots
The people attacking BRCC for attempting to defend themselves against the leftist mob are acting just as stupid as those on the left