Biden Voter Wants a Gun
My Biden voting neighbor mentioned the desire to purchase a gun. Education on current reality of guns, laws, and gun crime followed.
We have all heard that the days in which we are living right now are unprecedented. Phrases are abound like ‘the new normal’ and ‘COVID restrictions.’ Whatever your belief regarding the current situation in which we find ourselves living, whether we are in a pandemic or plandemic, there is most definitely a virus infiltrating our government. A virus of misinformation and planned dismantling of American citizens second amendment rights
Recently my other half (also a cop) and I were talking with our neighbors. They happen to be Biden supporters. They are a husband and wife with two kids and are wonderful people and neighbors. Let's call the husband Bob.
During our front lawn discussion Bob mentioned he wanted to get a CCW and a handgun for home defense. Not only did we avidly support these decisions, we advised him to move forward in doing so immediately. Bob of course, wanted to know why. After explaining the plan for Biden to diminish the protections of the second amendment, we told Bob if he did not get his firearm ASAP it would be increasingly difficult if Biden became president. After all, Biden's political platform on guns is for more control.
Of course this was something Bob defended. My husband and I had to educate our neighbors on how most gun control legislation has been a repetitious failure due to the simple fact that criminals do not follow the law. Of course we support responsible gun sales and purchasing. But after explaining to Bob and his wife the ease at which criminals access illegal firearms, illegally, they were surprised.
Reality of legal gun purchases pre-Biden
We educated Bob in the current difficulty upstanding citizens were having finding guns and ammunition in California because of the massive increase in first time gun buyers as a result of the current state of the world. After explaining our thoughts on the ultimate goal of an all powerful socialist government which fully restricts firearm possession for citizens, the neighbors asked what would happen for those who owned guns. I said the government would send people for them if citizens did not voluntarily turn them over.
My husband described the potential for a nationalized police force and using such an entity or even local jurisdictions to collect the citizenry’s firearms. Bob of course asked how we, being peace officers, would handle such a request. We both told Bob neither one of us would ever follow a directive to take firearms from law abiding citizens and should that day come we would turn in our badges. We would stand with the constitution and the citizens to defend their right to bear arms.
To say Bob was a bit shocked is probably a fair assessment. I have no way to know if Bob’s shock came from the potential attack on the second amendment by our own government, or our statement regarding quitting our jobs to defend the constitutional rights our forefathers set for Americans.
Will Biden leave guns alone?
Maybe I will be wrong. Perhaps a Democrat president will leave the second amendment alone. It is possible this ‘democratic socialism’ being pushed is not what the refugees who escaped communist Cuba, China, or Venezuela experienced and vehemently denounce.
But maybe I am right and every America loving citizen who believes in our constitution and the right of bearing arms to protect ourselves from tyranny should consider purchasing, training with, and keeping a firearm or several in preparation to fight against a government who seeks to limit our rights and freedoms.
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a FREE State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
As the saying goes, I would rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it. No harm ever came from having a safe full of guns and ammo.
Officer Hopps is an actively employed LEO, hence the pen name. You can read about her background, and the backgrounds of all our contributors here.