Armed Citizen Uses Gun In Self-Defense
This Is A Perfect Example Of Why Cops Support Gun Rights
Every single day in the United States, private citizens use a firearm to protect themselves and others. As these uses are not officially tracked by law enforcement, absent someone being shot, there is no official number for how many times it happens. Additionally, you rarely hear about these non-lethal self-defense gun uses because for the American mainstream media, this is not newsworthy.
Below is the October 3rd Facebook post of a man used his firearm, in a lawful manner, in self-defense. No one was injured and the suspect was arrested. What follows are his words describing the incident.
More often than not in cases where an armed citizen uses their gun in self-defense, just as in this instance here, no one is injured and the gun is never fired. Typically, just displaying the gun is enough to dissuade the suspect.
In fact, a study published in 1995 by two criminologists, Gary Kleck and Marc Gertz, estimated guns were used in self-defense between 2.1 and 2.5 million times per year in the US. There have been other studies that put defensive gun use much lower, but even the lowest, a study by Devid Hemenway, in which he attempts to discredit the Kleck/Gertz study, still put defensive gun use between 55,000-80,000 a year.
Even that significantly lower estimate of 55,000 far outweighs the number of people feloniously killed with firearms every year, which averages just under 15,000. It would seem that the good far outweighs the bad.
One thing to consider, whether you support gun right or not is this comment made by Mr. Mounts. He is absolutely correct, and this is one of the major reasons most cops support gun rights.
Police took 8 and half minutes to show up after the 911 call was made. That is 510 seconds that someone could of done whatever they wanted.
That response time is not out of the norm. As cops, we want to be there at that moment when you need us, but the reality is, there are only so many of us to go around, and just like for everyone else, it takes us time to get places. You are your own first responder, and you should prepare accordingly.
As always, your questions and comments are welcome. Be safe out there, and remember your ABC’s: Always Be Carrying.
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