Deplatformed, Ron Paul Silenced - Difficult Decisions Approaching
The silencing of non-leftists that I spoke of two days ago has continued, and the lack of outrage from those on the political left is deafening.
As of yesterday, was removed from the internet by GoDaddy, the owner of the internet server on which the website was hosted.
“On Monday, January 11, 2021, I received notice from our site registrar that had violated their terms of service and that would be shut down immediately. The registrar’s decision to de-platform was final and no method to appeal was offered.
It remains unclear specifically what content allegedly violated the registrar’s terms of service. “ not only published articles about guns, gear and politics, but they hosted a huge internet forum for gun enthusiasts. They had been around for about 20 years. They have managed to get their backup server up and running, but the fact that there was an attempt to delete them from existence, just like what happened with Parler yesterday, is very concerning.
Also yesterday, Ron Paul was blocked from using Facebook for supposedly repeatedly violating their community standards, except that according to Ron Paul, prior to this incident, he had never once received any notice of a single violation.
“With no explanation other than 'repeatedly going against our community standards,' @Facebook has blocked me from managing my page. Never have we received notice of violating community standards in the past and nowhere is the offending post identified.”
Yet again yesterday, Law Enforcement Today was silenced. They were locked out of Facebook. Not only are they unable to post anything to the LET page, but all of the admins for LET have been blocked from posting anywhere on FB, from their personal accounts.
“FB has just blocked Law Enforcement Today - with it's nearly 900,000 members - from posting. All admins blocked from posting to any page and group they are associated with. This is out of control. “
This wholesale silencing of conservative voices and platforms should scare the hell out of you. I know it does me, and I know I am not alone.
Difficult Decisions Approaching
Brothers and sisters in blue, those of you still wearing the uniform and those who like me are retired. I beg of you to really start thinking critically. Look around at what is going on across the country right now. What we are seeing transpire over the last few weeks is not remotely normal. This silencing of everyone that does not toe the liberal line is very un-American.
Just the other day, we offered some suggestions on how to protect yourself when making decision to refuse unlawful orders.
Remember the oath you swore, and who it was to. It was NOT to the politicians in positions of power, it was to the country, and to the Constitution of the United States. Your oath was to defend it from all enemies, foreign and domestic. The time to make some hard decisions looks to be rapidly approaching. That oath had no expiration date.
If you follow us on Facebook or Twitter, remember we too can be removed from those platforms at any time. We are not immune to the leftist silencing. To make sure you can continue to get our content, follow us over on MeWe and sign up for our newsletter.