A Friend Was Shot Yesterday, Yet I Defend Second Amendment
My friend got shot last night. Sadly this is not remotely the first time I have had to say that. I only have limited information about what happened, but I will share what I can.
My friend is a cop. He was tracking down some suspects from an earlier shooting incident when he encountered them. At least one of the suspects was armed, and they refused to comply.
A shootout ensued. My friend was hit in the stomach and the doctors are saying he will make a full recovery. The suspect was not so lucky, and he is no longer converting oxygen to carbon dioxide after catching some rounds my friend sent his way.
I posted about this incident earlier on my Deputy Matt social media pages.
Ignoring all the other BS going on with this incident, including Black Lives Matter being the criminal loving dirtbags that they are, what happened last night has not remotely changed my support of the Second Amendment.
In addition to being a cop, my friend is also a Marine, and an outspoken constitutional conservative. I feel extremely confident in saying that what happened last night will not change his support for the Second Amendment.
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You see, this incident happened in California, home of every single one of the gun control measures that every gun grabber wants to put in place for the entire country. California has "A" ratings from every gun control group that offers letter graded ratings. California is the gun control lovers paradise. And you can see what good that did.
The criminal who had the gun did not care about the fact that shooting people is against the law. He did not care that carrying a loaded, concealed weapon without a permit is a crime. He was a prohibited person due to his criminal history, meaning he was legally not allowed to possess a gun, yet that did not stop him from getting a gun, nor did it dissuade him from using it.
You see, my friend and I both realize that gun control laws do nothing to stop criminals from getting guns or doing bad things with guns. The inability of gun laws to prevent crimes with guns is plain as day, yet for some reason, that fact escapes the minds of many.
My friend who was shot last night was not remotely my first friend to be shot in the line of duty. I have written in the past about friends I have lost to criminals with guns. One that hit me the most was when my academy classmate Bob French was killed by a prohibited person with a gun.
Sadly, I can say without hesitation, my friend who was shot last night will not be the last of my friends to be shot in the line of duty, especially not considering the incoming administration. The way they not only placate criminals and their supporters and the way they speak so negatively about law enforcement on a very regular basis is going to lead to many more cops being assaulted, ambushed and shot.
Yet despite losing friends, despite being at those scenes, I still adamantly support the Second Amendment, because I know that gun control will never stop "gun crime," and all that more gun control laws will ever do is make criminals out of law abiding citizens.